Thursday, August 4, 2011

Assignmnet 1-3

Winter X-Games  
We know the Olympics as the best of the best. Performing against individuals and teams from across the globe in a wide variety of events to inspire and motivate a country in international competition. The Olympics since eighteen ninety-six have become one of the biggest sporting events in history. Games are held every four years and links sport rivalry with other cultures (The Olympic Museum, 2007). Both summer and winter sports are held with different events ranging from volleyball to downhill skiing. Although winter sports were not introduced until the nineteen twenties, the Olympic Games have been a spectator’s phenomenon. Until the X Games have emerged. To increase the popularity of extreme sports the X Games emerged in nineteen ninety-three and remains the hardcore extreme sporting event in the world. It does not have the venue that our Olympics have but it does provide events that are truly extreme in nature and athletes that represent each event respectfully. From surfing, skating, as well as huge winter events it is truly an event not to pass up (Expn, 2007). 

Winter X-Games
We as Americans are competitive in nature when it comes to competition. With the Olympic Games and now the X Games it provides the viewer with the best of both worlds when it comes to competitive and extreme sports events. The X Games began back in nineteen ninety-three and evolved quickly into a signature event by the year two thousand-three. Who would of know that are backyard traditions of BMX racing, skateboarding and skiing would have a major impact in sporting events around the world in our present day. But these events are not like our normal routines that we know as just another day playing outside. They are extreme in nature and provide a difficulty level that makes audiences’ jaws drop and eyes pop out of their heads. Extreme in nature I mean flips, twists and heights that were not even imaginable when we were younger. X-Games have become the catalyst for sporting events in summer and winter competition. A team of professionals was gathered together in nineteen ninety-three to burst this phenomenon onto the scene and they never looked back. By nineteen ninety-six other events evolved including windsurfing, mountain biking and ice climbing events that would be the start of an international competition for the ages. In the beginning crowds of over one hundred-thousand plus came to see these events and today have progressed into major television audiences around the world enjoying these competitions. One event that has captured a major audience is the BMX and Motor-Cross big air shows. The stunts involved are some of the best demonstrations of extreme sports involved in these extreme games (Expn, 2007).    
In an event to increase popularity for the Olympic Games, especially for the younger audiences, Olympic committees have supported the participation of all extreme sports competitors to become involved in the winter games. This was accepted of course by all competitors especially Shaun White an X Game competitor and gold medal winner. White is the face of extreme sports and has become known for his acrobatic style of snowboarding and freestyle skiing tricks. The addition of these events and iconic figures is sure to provide a larger viewing audience and provide international competition that will only increase with time. Understanding that these events are embedded as an Olympic event encourages younger viewers and extreme sport enthusiasts that someday their chance at Olympic gold can become attainable. So, next time you want different approaches to a sporting event remember that extreme sports will give you that extra rush of excitement that you need to cure your adrenaline rush (Costa, 2011).


Costa, N. (2011) Winter X-Games Inspire Olympic Games Yet Again. Retrieved August 1, 2011 from

Expn (2007) This History of X Games. A History of the X Games part one. Retrieved July 3, 2011 from
The Olympic Museum (2007) The Modern Olympic Games. Retrieved July 3, 2011 from

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hawthorn Studies

Hawthorne Studies
George Elton Mayo a professor at Harvard University was very influential in interpreting the results of the Hawthorne studies (Bedeian & Wren, 2009 pg. 291 para. 2). His findings were direct reflections of organizational development and increasing moral in the workplace and today that is very important for the success of any business. From his research the results were as followed. Informal groups in the workplace have a great influence on others working habits and personal attitude. Worker influence on others and the experience of senior employees creates a different atmosphere when it comes to completing regular tasks. Moral and small unit leadership was very important in the results of this test. To have the ability to not only work hard but at the same time have relations with fellow workers increases the whole mission in general. In today’s organization morale and welfare of the employee creates a disciplined work area and a positive work structure for any organization (Bedeian & Wren, 2009 pg. 298). Human relationships and moral in the workplace is vital for personal growth and acceptance. According to Mayo, “industrial life caused a sense of personal futility, which leads to social maladjustment and, eventually, to obsessive, irrational behavior” (Bedeian & Wren, 2009 pg. 301 para 2). Today we have a variety of cultures to make the workplace an enjoyable atmosphere. Social groups and organized events keep the monotony to a minimum and provide an outlet for stress and mental fatigue. The Hawthorne experiments were proof that the working environment needed to be socially adjusted to ensure the health and well-being of its employees. Organizations would become known as a social structure to adapt to the changes both physically and personally. The wants and needs of your employees today are essential for organization functionality. From the way they dress and the way they perform their everyday work ethic. The social acceptance and policies of an organization must present ways to adjust to the needs of people and to accept the differences that comes with it. In other words, management must have a human understanding to deal with personal and emotional issues. “You can seldom observe a phenomenon closely without affecting it somehow” (Bedeian & Wren, 2009 pg. 299 para 2). As we interact with each other on a daily basis in a working environment we look for outlets to make our work experience more enjoyable. The Hawthorne experiments were detrimental in finding ways to associate work and behaviors in our society today. Its effectiveness carved the path to communicate and interact socially. The aspect of popular culture and The Hawthorne studies were to evolve through interaction and provide moral for the workplace. Today it is a way of life to have moral, and esprit de corps within our organizations.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Poker / Texas Hold'em

Poker / Texas Hold’em
Pokers roots go back hundreds of years. The Persians were said to play a poker-like game centuries ago. Germans played a bluffing game called "Pochen" as early as the sixteenth century, and later the French had a version called "Poque." The French brought this game with them to New Orleans and its popularity spread. "Poque" soon became known as Poker, and the rules were modified during the Civil War to allow cards to be drawn to improve one's hand. In “Texas Hold’em” there are usually two blinds, the big blind and the small blind. The big blind is usually the same amount as the little bet. So, for example in a $2/4 game the blinds would be $2 for the big blind and $1 for the small blind. The small blind is to the immediate left of the dealer button and then the big blind is after that. Pre-flop the person after the big blind has to make a move (this position is called being "under the gun" because it is the worst position). Then people play in turn around the table until the big blind (who acts last). The reason for the blinds is to force people to play. If no one had to put in any money before seeing their cards, the game would be much different and take longer to complete. There would be nothing preventing people from just waiting for pocket aces all day. The blinds or "forced bets" means there is going to be "action"; action is game play or betting. “Texas Hold’em” is the number one poker game in history; with these simple instructions you will find yourself going all in before you know it. Originating in Texas of all places, it was introduced in the early nineteen hundreds and still remains a source of entertainment throughout the world with big money stakes. “Texas Hold’em” poker is considered a favorite by many gamblers and card players dating back to nineteen-seventy were it has evolved into the biggest poker tournaments in the world. Today it is not just played in casinos. Through advancement in technology in our culture today it has expanded its reach into the homes and workplaces of millions of people through the internet and cellular phones. So, if you want to get involved in a craze that is sweeping through the country and beyond try your hand at “Texas Hold’em” and place your name in history.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Third World Scenario / Child Labor

The Other World relies heavily on the relations of other countries preferably Western powers. With social and economical changes involved such as, telecommunications, health care, and education, women, minorities and the poor suffer the most. In addition, new and alien philosophies are beginning to influence older religious beliefs that people have relied on since the beginning. Corrupt leadership and violence have played a major role in the struggles to achieve Democracy but slowly progress is attainable. (Weatherby et al., 2009). Women are involved in development more often than none. Their role as a provider and decision maker has been overlooked through the years but, recently, through modernization and globalization, they are becoming more educated socially and politically. (Weatherby et al., 2009, pg.79 para 2). I think the role that women play is an important factor in developing societies because; their contributions to their communities could prove to be vitally important in the structure of education, communication, and traditions. Providing rights and freedoms to women of the Other World is still difficult. Without the knowledge of the existing changes in the advanced world, traditions and conditions in which they live will continue. In my opinion child labor and other abuses will continue because cheap labor will always be available. Modernization of even the poorest of countries still does not fix the issue at hand. It would be impossible to contain and regulate every country involved in child labor and abuse. These children and families that are involved are easy to manipulate and even sell their children at a very young age for survival. With all the imports that the United States has entering the country from the Other World, it is difficult to follow the process of certain items that move from place to place. Although child labor is a huge concern in these Third World countries, the major issue is the enforcement of this problem. We as Americans have established laws and standards for this epidemic should continue to research the topic into other counties to mitigate and control the corruption of Third World Countries. Child Labor can be monitored here in the states but as we all know is very difficult to maintain these activities. Public awareness and resources identifying child labor must be focused on a resolution to this problem. With an alliance from these Third World countries we can keep on top of this struggle and help these children achieve the rights that they require.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

3D Movies

3D Movies
When we watch a movie, we transform into the colors and sounds as well as the actors or actors on the screen. We love our movies and the emotional intensity that comes along with them. In today’s economy we wonder what the future holds for not only us, but how businesses will adapt to the changes as well. The movie watching industry continues to maintain productivity despite all the economic fallouts that are happening around us by continuing to create better ways to watch movies. Yesterday’s movies are still acceptable to some but others want a new experience to their movie montage. That experience is 3D. With an impressive outcome from this phenomenon filmmakers and critics tend to believe that 3D movies are the future of theatre enjoyment (Han, 2011).
3D movies have been around for quite some time. During the nineteen fifties 3D made an impression on American culture with the invention of the stereoscopic, which takes two images and pulls them together, it makes the images on the screen seem to jump out off the screen and into your lap.  This experience has reinvented movie watching and remains a successful dominate system of technology (Han, 2011).
Recently, we have had the opportunity to experience this technique in movies such as Avatar, Polar Express, and Toy Story 3. This dominate technology continues to impress us with its overpowering feelings of exhilaration and laughter. It seems that every movie that comes out has a 3D version for the viewer’s choice and that makes it very convenient in choosing which one to watch. If you are like me then you will take on both at least once. If you never experienced movies in 3D you are truly missing out.    

Han, A. (2011) Infographic: Every 3D Movie Ever Made. Retrieved July 10, 2011 from

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Icon Analysis

Icon Analysis
Michael Jackson- “The King of Pop”
Arnold Schwarzenegger- “Pumping Iron”
McDonald’s- “Look for the Golden Arches”
Michael Jackson born in Gary Indiana nineteen fifty-eight became known as the king of pop. A young boy identified as part of a group of boys set out to make music history. We know him as Michael Jackson from the Jackson five in the seventies, but became a true icon during the nineteen eighties where he came to life, defined and ruled so entirely. With sixty billion records sold worldwide his “Thriller” album remains the biggest selling record of all time (Peake, 2011). With his impact on the world during the eighties he has grown to be one of the biggest icons the world has ever known in the music industry.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is another icon that emerged in the nineteen sixties as the world bodybuilding icon. His role in the movie “Pumping Iron”, nineteen seventy-seven, was a documentary of his bodybuilding routines and how he became known as a champion bodybuilding icon. His success has led him into movie stardom throughout the eighties and into the nineties in movies such as Conan the Barbarian and The Terminator both of which are fascinating films of their time (Who2?, 2011). Arnold was an icon in both genres of bodybuilding and movies and eventually became the governor of California in two thousand-three maintaining success until his departure in two thousand-eleven. We know him for his one-liners, “I’ll be back”, that to this day people still use in conversations for fun.
McDonald’s, now how can you not pick this as an icon? The Golden Arches is like bread and butter, milk and cookies and of course the “Big Mac”. This is a company that has been around since nineteen fifty-five with a goal to feed every human on earth with over thirty thousand restaurants around the world to meet the needs of people of all nationalities. It is a fast food chain that literally changed the way people eat and still remains an iconic symbol that will undoubtedly remain that way for years to come.   
            I chose these three icons because they are what I grew up with. I can remember watching the movie Pumping Iron with Arnold Schwarzenegger and wanting to start lifting just to be him. It was a great documentary even though I was only eight or nine at the time it was big media at that time and a great role model to look up to. Michael became an icon in my house overnight. My sister listened to his music and my mother taught me to moon walk in our kitchen. McDonald’s, a regular visit for us growing up and remembering my first Big Mac they had a promotion going on that if you could sing the jingle for the Big Mac sandwich at the counter you would receive a free one on the spot. So of course it did not take me long to get that tune right.